Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

February 27, 2011

February 24, 2010: Seattle

I sent this postcard almost exactly one year ago- Feb. 24th, 2010. I remember I wrote it in the hotel lobby of the W in downtown Seattle. I had just gotten off the phone with my mother who was sharing about her trip to Florida to visit her then boyfriend at the time. I was having a great time with Kyle and with Tex and it was a great road trip. I have some favorite pictures from that vacation out West. However, life could not be more different a year later. My mom is now married. I did not move to Indiana like I was scheduled when I left for the Seattle trip. I am focused on physical health, and last year I was intimidated after an intense bout with bronchitis. I was unable to communicate at the time how I was struggling, and now I can- and am finding myself the strongest I have ever been emotionally, mentally, and spiritually... ever.

This postcard encourages me that on February 24, or 27th of 2012 that anything is possible. Anything. Absolutely anything. That this life is grand, bigger, and more amazing then anything you can think will, could, or might be. It on its own... is fantastic.

Where were you a year ago today?
What were you doing?
What were you thinking about?
What was about to happen that would rock your world?
What were you looking for? Hoping for?
Did you find it?
Were you laughing? Were you sharing?
How are you better today, then you were then?
Are you amazed more that life goes by so quickly, and yet slowly?
Are you someone you love more now, then you understood then?
Did you know that you were going to be ok? Did you really believe it?

Number 9 says: Happy. It's true though I wasn't completely. I was happy in moments and days because I was distracted and free... but I have learned how those things are fleeting.

A year later I am happy because I'm focused and secure. And even in my struggle, hurt, and own mania- I know joy and love more sincerely right now because a year later... I grew up. I changed. I found my voice. I remembered. And I continue to be found where it matters most. In my relationship with JC, and by being able to share deep, authentic, and real love with those that continue to pursue me.

Number 9 today... says Happy. In the way that matters most.

Next year... what will I say? I can't wait.

What about you?
What would you write on a piece of card stock and place a 28 cent stamp on,
to capture this time, moment, and experience?
Share. I'd love to hear about it.

1) Sunset Evening View
2) Starbucks: Original
3) Kept. Came. Laughter.
4) Beautiful Weather
5) Photography. Several Favorites.
6) Time with BFF
7) Ease in group dynamic
8) New adventures
9) Happy.

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