Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

December 14, 2011

November 21.

written pre-thanksgiving.
pre- when everything sort of hit the fan at work.
But the sentiments are the same, even though sometimes the Joy takes a more fervent fight.
Just real tired.


In my life I am typically on the "I just need to get through to next (blank)", and then I'll be ok. With my new perfectly assigned position- I could do that and think that way for a very long time. Somewhere and somehow I have let go of that part of my thinking. I hadn't even noticed it until this week. My pace is set in accordance to my responsibility and in the midst of that I have been able to experience full, complete and total Joy in the middle of what it my busiest time and season. It has been amazing to live in this place, space, and time. Carefully considering new adventures and journeys with relationships, work and self. And a wonderful treat to that- a day off before Thanksgiving to rest. Think. And Laugh. Yes. Lots of laughter. Thanks to the amazing friendships I have discovered here. Yay! Love.Love. Me

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