Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

February 4, 2012

last week of december 2011

1. On Tuesday nights Kim and I have been meeting for dinner. It's been great to share and talk about life on a regular basis. The conversations range but I am thankful.
2. I have had some peaceful and productive mornings with Gracie and coffee. She has continued to be my shadow and I have enjoyed the time before work to catch up on things in the house while being quiet also in preparation of the evening.
3. I took a surprise road trip to Roanoke- which brought unexpected things on my way. A good long chat with Erin, just a truly good conversation that helped me talk about with hindsight the dB transition and the things I learned. Then of course Matty being admitted into UVA. goodness.gracious.
4. I loved seeing T and getting a quick snapshot of what life looks like for her.
5. A solid real and vulnerable conversation with Holmes. Sometimes he just takes me completely by surprise. It's the Best.
6. Knowing peacefully and quietly that Lexington is not home- and I am meant to be in Winston. How amazing that is. Lexington hadn't felt like home in a long time- and with the benefit to have begun to gain perspective since moving, I was more prepared for what it was going to feel like going back. Its hard to remember conversations in certain Waffle House booths. Promises made. Laughter and love shared. Yet- I was most thankful that there were no ghosts. No fragmented images of a time/person/experience now passed. Just peace. That was a long and exhausting battle but I am thankful for prayer and perseverance.
7. Very excited for Seth to visit on Sunday. It's been a long time waiting. ;)

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