Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

July 3, 2011

j.groban: june 14th

Some days are just what you need and absolute perfection.
1. slept in. made care packages.
2. dunkin donuts iced coffee.
3. apple store. a candy store for adults. new phone- thankful for the replacement, for free.
4. shopping- scoring some cute finds
5. cheesecake factory. always a fave.
6. concert. perfection. feb song and you are loved in opening set. funny and engaging. played favorites. had waited- was worth it. poignant and sappy- and grateful. highlight.
7. Sheetz. That guy. haha!
8. couple lost their car... so funny
9. laughter. conversation. ease of day. joy for josh. music is just intimate and powerful- how it can move you. love it.
10. a perfect combination of things and beloved day away.
11. would see josh anywhere. that fantastic.
you are loved
changing colors
hidden away
higher window
raise me up
war @ home
if i walk away
wandering kind
bells of nyc- everything

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