Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

April 5, 2011

Naples, Florida: Courtney

Courtney and I have been sisters for I don't know... 15 years now? Marriage brought us together, but a deep and profound friendship and love has kept us there. I love that regardless of how little or randomly we speak on the phone, that when I see her- its instant reconnection, and laughter. That... is priceless to me.

She has come to visit me in Virginia countless times to soak up all the goodness, and parental/sisterly advice I can dispense at her during any given time. She's bright, fun, and has a deep rooted desire to love... with her entire self. Sometimes I think its an endless well, and I admit I wish she sometimes used caution, but I'm inspired by her ability to continue... always.

She is about to graduate College. I am incredibly proud of her achievement. And with this chapter closing, I have often wondered how much more I will be seeing of this free flying and loving sister. I keep my fingers crossed that for a brief while she will be as close as the room down the hallway.

You are loved, Court. Always and Always. This came on the perfect day.

There are many moments in life that remind me of how special you are.
There are even more for which I should be telling you.
Thank you for being every last bit of everything you are.
xox Court

You are loved...

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