Just bright.
Reflects a truly remarkable and joyful year. After it went to print I thought of other notable things about 2011, which are written on it to make sure that they are captured as well.

Two Thousand and Eleven. A Blessed & Beloved Year.
My address list has gotten longer. Which is a blessing. I'm thankful for the opportunity to sit and write. And despite the time that could be saved by using technology to print off labels, I personally really enjoy writing each card. I like writing the recipients name, address- and even if its just a few sentences, I like doing it. In some cases its the one time a year that I communicate with some folks, but still find their role in my life or past so significant, that it deserves a hand written Christmas note. If you are missing from the list, please let me know. It's been a crazed and chaotic season and I did the best I could in regards to updating addresses and people!
You are loved.
And missed.
And prayed for.
But most especially as we celebrate our Savior's birth!

Two Thousand and Eleven. A Blessed & Beloved Year.
1. A Packers Superbowl 2. Postcards 3. Cherry Blossom Festival with Matty 4. Sangria Saturdays 5. A Sierra Leone Pen Pal 6. Locks for the Keys 7. A Summer for Sisters 8. The Perfect Move 9. A Loved Job 10. Salem Chapel 11. House Guests 12. Disney with Courtney 13. Thirty One: Surprises and Love at every turn- A Sequin Celebration! 14. Winston-Salem Thanksgiving 15. House Dinner 16. My First Christmas Tree: Decorated in Friendship 17. A Morning in NYC 18. Packers/Giants with my Family 19. Answering to Kari Renee without pause 20. Coffee 21. New Friends. Old Friends. And the Best Friends. Forever. 22. Gracie for Always. 23. Knowing more tenderly and joyfully the love of our living God and Savior, born man; so that we might have life and life to the full.
Love. Love. kari renee
24. You are Loved with Krystal.
25. Date Days with JJ: Mimosa's?
26. 4th of July
27. 4 hr Dt's with Theresa
28. Late night talking with Emily in May
29. Easter with the girls.
30. Truth and Loved
31. Iced Coffee Dates
32. Matty's Monthly Visits
33. Leaving peaceful and prepared
34. Long talks with Brother
35. Letts writing lunch dates @ The Joyful Spirit
36. Allegria in April
37.Breaking long silences
38. Time Machines
39. Eternal Hope and Love in Jesus.
40. Life Group
41. Holding on and Letting Go
42. Happy.