Documenting the joy and adventure found in the everyday this year, through postcards of my own and those of beloved friends.
The journey began Here.

October 31, 2011

Asheville: McGlades

Sometimes I day dream about living in Asheville, having my own little K.Renee Boutique, working with Matt and running a catering company. The day dreams and visions began when I first was introduced to Asheville years and years ago. Chris and Caroline McGlade were great friends that would always let me show up with an entourage and hang out with us for a long weekend. Matt and I made the most trips- fairly consistently and he was even there with Smusz and I for the wretched ankle sprain that almost killed me. Seriously. That injury took over 10 months to heal.

I grabbed Gracie last week and went for a drive. No particular agenda in mind. Just wanted to head into the Blue. Quickly realizing that Asheville was so close, we enjoyed the city. I had lunch at a favorite place, went to some beloved Antique and Art stores... we went on a walk around the lake and enjoyed the warmth of the day.

Matt. Chris and Caroline. Were at every turn. And that was the best part. ;o)

A perk of living in North Carolina is that I am closer to some of my favorite places. I was introduced to this place by Chris and Caroline McGlade- and was able to experience and taste such goodness through their suggestion and friendship. It's strange hanging out here today- and not staying at their house, and playing Poker + enjoying time. Texas feels too far away now! I miss the Blue Ridge Mtns, most especially when I know that they are on fire with hues of gold, orange, and red. The quick 2 hours felt like a time machine and its been a marvelously fun and delicious day. There are memories at every turn and I've thought often of the McGlades and Matty. Great Day.
Love. Love.

October 25, 2011

October 19

When I traveled to Disney a few weeks ago- I had not flown in over a year. Not that I was avoiding it- just used my time to visit people by Honda. Sitting in the Charlotte airport- which is awesome to live by- I kept thinking that there is always a part of me that will feel at home in an airport. That the pace, movement, and processes behind the transit are comfortable, familiar, nearly perfected and well versed. I haven't formulated a disinterest- but after last August's sister trip I knew that I was done. I knew that I was done for a while. I had changed. I found, explored, and waited through the pursuit and then I finally moved on. Having arrived at this overlook- surrounded by God's creation in the Blue Ridge. I felt a lot like I did in the Airport. Home. Familiar. In some ways brought to life. The difference was I don't have to let them go, or choose. North Carolina has both. It's Land & Air. City & Mountains at the same time.
And its amazing.

Virginia and North Carolina

After enjoying a marvelous day with Mandy @ the Festival. I took a little adventure West to pick up the Blue Ridge Pkwy. Something about the rolling hills- and the turns of the road that welcome me back into what feels like home. The radio. Was turned quiet and soft at points so that there would be room for what my heart wanted to say without distraction. At other times- the windwos were lowered and opened up to the sound of the road and the sing along fest. For awhile I followed a detour and had no sense of where I was. And then I saw this sign.
It was magical.

Then I turned around.
And this felt like Home, too.

That may have been the best part of the drive.

It was.


Top 14 M&M Visit

1. Boone. Coyote Kitchen- winner.
2. Wine Tasting.
3. Snooks.
4. Apple Trailers
5. Yahtzee
6. Pitcher of Rita night 1
7. Finding boots.
8. Foothills Trivia- though not staying.
9. Exploring new places with familiar faces.
10. Blue Ridge Parkway
11. Mt. Airy
12. Pumpkin Pancakes before Matty left.
13. New Ryan Adams.
14. Cannot wait for Thanksgiving!

Mayberry Autumn Leaves Festival

Not often that I have a Saturday off. I wanted to go BIG. I wanted to enjoy some North Carolina culture and experience new things. Thanks to a handy events guide we snagged at a winery, we found Mt. Airy's Autumn Leaves Festival. It wasn't until driving up there that I realized Mt. Airy is the home of Mayberry. Mandy and I walked around and enjoyed bantering while people watching and window shopping all of the "old time" general stores. I am looking forward to hitting up the small town to enjoy its quiet nature and without the crowds- even if only to take pictures . This one was a favorite of Saturday- in the midst of a closed down street and people bustling around- 2 men sat and played checkers.
Loved it.

Banter: M&M

Things worth repeating with M&M
1."I already have things stuck to me."
2. "My husband woke up with a hershey kiss stuck to his butt" @ snooks
3. "It smells like BBQ everywhere- its the BEST!" -matty
4. "No way in the world she will figure that recipe out" patron @ snooks
5. "I'm feeling a little less cool but I'm liking white wines more then the red"
6. "Gracie hasn't chewed shoes in years"
7. "I need fives on top- which is impossible because there are only five dice" -k
8. "YES!" screaming when getting Yahtzee
9. Endless Laughter.

Different: Matty and Mandy

Some friendships last a lifetime. That time, space, jobs, romances or family chaos can't challenge- change- or dissolve. They endure. Last. Thrive. Grow. And impact us for the kingdom in huge, wonderful, meaningful ways. These two friends are better then the descriptions available to define them. They mean more then friends or family. They are different. When I'm with them I remember how and why they are, and I am thankful that they are walking alongside me... and visit me here. In my life- now moved to NC.

October 19, 2011

Coconut: Disney

That's right ladies and gentlemen... a coconut. I've had this sitting on my fireplace mantle for a week waiting for the coconut I sent to Africa to make it- as to not ruin the surprise as I clued Seth into something "different" when I sent a back up postcard.

Courtney and I laughed and debated this- and finally decided that yes. This project needed to include a coconut. Then the idea that someone was going to pick up mail from Texas, and deliver it to Seth in Africa was too good not to send. I can only imagine what they thought as they saw a coconut. Seriously.

Anyway- a lime in the coconut or instead, a postcard in one!

-Tigger sighting
-Space Mtn.
-Toy Story Score (My score was legendary: 467,300)
-Giggle and chat. Seester time.

And we both signed it.

It's still on my fireplace mantel. I just love it.

October 7, 2011

disney: quick last list

A quick last list:

1. Lunch with my boyfriend @ Cookes.
2. When in doubt open your mouth.
3. Beating Courtney @ air hockey: "once"
4. Gas Price.
5. Mickey Rainbow
6. Dizzy vicodin High.
7. "OH. He thinks he IS Batman"

amazing trip. we laughed a lot I thought a lot about Matt and Mandy and the memories we've created with Disney as the backdrop. Love the ease I feel when traveling. It's like and old friends returns to life and I remember every adventure away and back.
Landed in Charlotte to fall temps. Felt like home. (Sigh. Amen).

Disney: heard/said.

favorite things.
and said.
mostly said.

Favorite Things Heard/Said

1. come to me, not through me.
2. when in doubt, open your mouth.
3. ....and I didn't know I was pregnant!
4. "I think I may have met my soulmate"-- KRB upon seeing dancing Greecian @ wine and dine
5. left is right, right is wrong
6. I'm keeping them hydrated, so they don't vomit.
7. "I need to brush my teeth... yeah me too... I need to get all these ethnicities out of my mouth."
8. "You just got pick pocketed by a fetus."
9. Kari: "sometimes I want to go up to an awkwardly dressed person and say, "are you a character? can I take my picture with you?"

Parenting in Disney According to Us

We saw some impeccable parenting skills... seriously.

Parenting Training according to Kari and Court, inspired by our Disney Vacation: 2011

1. Don't let strangers touch you.
2. Don't jump up and down on people movers.
3. Don't touch your private parts in public.
4. Don't crinkle a water bottle while walking.
5. Don't have a foreign language meltdown in public.
6. Don't make kids wait 30 minutes in line during their naptime.
7. Lesson in ratios: for each child, bring 1 adult to Disney.It's that simple.
8. Don't pick pocket in the bathroom.
9. Putting your child on a leash just means you drag them everywhere. They have feet: walk. It's free.
10. Glo sticks die.
11. Taking kids to Disney is something I am truly excited for. When they are ready.

Disney 1: Kari's Fave List

Kari's Day One List

Day 1: WDW Awesomeness

1. getting upgraded to First Class after I was seated and moments before take off. Finding Pinkberry in the Airport.
2. Courtney picking me up at airport: adventure begins. Excited!
3. Singing Lion King on way to MK: Penguin on My Bottom
4. First approach to Cinderella Castle: euphoria
5. Jungle Cruise: "watch your language. family attraction."... "like any good family, 10-12 minutes is enough."
6. pineapple soft serve.
7. space mtn. its a small world. all fun like the 1st time.
8. weird people on buses. seriously. "actually that could not be menorah. that has 11 points and menorah has 8"
9. magical moments and memories
10. Bakery confections and tasty treats
11. pizza room service- up until 2:45am talking
12. a whole day without stopping: thank you vicodin
13. fun people to take our pictures
14. buzz lightyear hoodie
15. conversation with Matty after I landed- Classic traveling mode. I love him. Truly amazing friend.
16. Happy. All day. In each and every moment. Different then planned. It's been perfect.

October 6, 2011

disney one: court's favorites list

This is Courtney's list of Favorite Things. We each wrote one. Her's arrived to Winston-Salem first. It was the first time I had read it. It made me smile. From what I remember of mine, some were the same, some were different.

And so begins a plethora of Disney postcards. The rest are expected to arrive in the next day. Get excited. (Or prepared for a lot of Disney talk). Either way. What's magical in your life right now?

in no particular order...
- strange looking couples!
- "There are spikes on the stars so you don't steal them"
- bus stop chatter with exceptional birthday girls
- people watching
- german boy freak out I missed
- nice nuts. coconut time.
- famished hysteria... brooms-boobies... what?
- tigger sighting!
- it's a small world is slightly less frightening
- space mountain and the wet seat 4 spaces up
- the man signing after you bought pins... awk-ward
- under stimulated safari girl
- what about NO ONE understanding your questions ANYWHERE?!? You were clearly speaking Farsi!

October 5, 2011

Sydney: Kat


Those names have been synonymous off and on through the years. We've had periods of intense closeness, and other times of much distance. However, regardless of the circumstance, or the side of that pendelum we happen to rest... She is always there. In the picture. Part of the story. I don't think that could make sense to anyone but us.

It's true as we get older we learn, realize, and come to terms with the people in our lives that mean the most- are often those people we never, ever, truly move on from or let go of. Kathryn is one of those people. I participated in her wedding ceremony, and I know that if the miles were fewer between us I would go to Chez Leonard with her on a fall day with her new baby girl to talk about life, to laugh about where we've been, and to connect. In a real authentic way.

I got her postcard from Australia a few weeks ago, and misplaced it in a pile of other papers. Finding it today was a treat, to celebrate a friendship that despite distance, time, and schedules endures. I'm glad that when this project completes its 2011 segment, that she is part of it. It wouldn't be the same without her.

Greetings from Sydney!
This has been an amazing trip and I can't believe its almost over Of course I miss the fam, but we have things that I will never do again- climbed the Harbour Bridge (like Oprah) + private dinner at the Opera House, def a kangaroo and touched a koala. Walked rom Congee Beach to Bondi and saw beautiful waves- the rock and color are so different here. I could totally imagine staying. Ah well, back to reality. Definitely make the trip one day. xo Kat

quebec: BC

BC went to Canada.
I got this postcard.
Everything sounds wonderfully delectable.

Little friend,
Writing to you on a flight back from the great north- a wedding on Lake Champlain & a 3 day excursion to visit Montreal, short & sweet but also very full, in the best ways. Will say more in person, but in summation or if not summation just small details,
1. first car rental & international driving- grown up?
2. I am beginning to like tomatoes- big. seriously.
3. Deep thoughts @ St. Joseph's Oratoire and Chapel de Notre Dame in Bon Secocus: look them up, they make me cry; I'll tell you about them.
4. a delicious mojito at les enfants terribres, which involved maple syrup- you'll raise an eye brow but it was dar I say, the best mojito ever?
5. Lots of pictures.
6. So happy. so thankful. so blessed.
much love, bc.