1. bruce and gracie are bff's
2. starbucks ladies in roanoke are really fun and we are becoming friends
3. laughed so hard at the notion of taking jan to vegas and getting her entire arm tattooed.
4. "sorry. what? I got distracted?"
5. "KIDS! CONE!"
6. conversations with kait @ work
7. limited. m. yes! celebrated with leah.
8. summer rain showers.
9. weird dreams make for interesting things to talk/think about
10. 2 completely out of the blue voice mails. sometimes being busy sucks and you don't have time to always call back as soon as you'd like.
11. i miss my car and xm radio. a lot. like seriously.
12. i also miss Italy. (sigh)
13. Africa? that one opening has spun so many ideas/thoughts
-jars of clay