Betty Cabell.
We met Summer of 2003. We were destined to be friends. Rockbridge gave me four incredibly special friends that summer. One being Matty, two being Jules, three being Jessica, and of course four being Betty Cabell (listed in no particular order).
We have gone antiquing, shopping, eating, movie watching, and oh yeah- we went to Thailand together. Just a small trip around the world. We have more family dysfunction in common then either of us would wish upon the other. She's strong. Independent. Incredibly Intelligent. When I am with her, I remember that I too, am a grown up. It pushes me to expect more maturity out of others too. I would go anywhere in the world with her. No questions asked. And whenever I think my passport has been a little lonely in my desk drawer I think, "Where should BC and I go?".
Today I opened my mailbox to a couple of postcards. I knew the handwriting, but could not find the signature. On the second one alas it was there, and I of course then felt foolish having to place in my memory who I knew the cards were from.
If you need a lawyer- she's your representation.
If you need a friend whom will know in family strife and grief
how to let silence speak endless love, she's your sister.
If you need someone to banter all things pop culture and indulgent, she's your best friend.
If you need only to know that you are loved, she will send not just one, but two postcards.
all things being made new, all the time. a hope & a future. it's important to dress for the weather, but you do not need a wind shield scraper if you have a CD case. gray nail polish- still- scarves, loose black tea; i know what I like. also, flats a lot- not always heels. 4 books in 4 weeks- Man Walks Into a Room (N.Krauss), Naked (D.Sedaris), A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius (D.Essers), Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close (J.S. Foer). Listed chronologically in the order rad, but also from good to best, with best- the last 2, both- piercingly perfect. memoir style (the latter, fiction). the goal must be to speak frankly and clearly about loss & pain in a way that points to beauty & warmth & Christ.
(2nd postcard...)
Christmas & New Years decor still up in part despite best, sincere effort, glitter snow still appearing w/regularity. bother some? no. a miracle of physics? yes. downstairs neighbors life techno today. me? murder in the city, avett bros. cut hair for the first time since June! Bought postcards & coming home in the neighborhood where I've lived 5 years- almost went the wrong way on a one way street! But I didn't and that, really, is the main thing.
I broke the rules- I wrote 2. I still owe you a plane ticket to Thailand & a CAT scan in Bangkok.